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The story is told of an Asian palace water bearer who fetched water from a river with two pots on a stick at its extreme ends. One was cracked and so was half-filled at the end of each trip. It thus pitied itself and constantly complained to its master.

However, on their next trip, the bearer asked it to observe the path very well and lo; it beheld very beautiful array of flowers all the way from the river to the palace. The bearer then explained to it that the flowers were as a result of its crack and that the King undoubtedly enjoyed the fragrance and beauty of the flowers more than the water on the table.

In the same vein God has a unique and distinctive purpose for calling each one of us into service in our various capacities and our service must all be geared towards

1.) Perfection of the saints

2.) Work of the ministry

3.) Edification of the church and finally to help each member attain unto the stature of Christ to the glory of God


We need to demystify the notion that the work of God is reserved for a “chosen” few and know that God cherishes our service to Him no matter how little if only we’ll do it from our deep-seated love for Him.

Focal Texts: I Cor 12: 4-11, 22-26

Ephe 4: 11-13

Memory verse: But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself for the latter, he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. ( II Tim 2: 20,21)

Central Truth

1.) Every Christian has at least one gift. ( I Pet 4: 10 )

2.) Every gift is essential and needed. ( I Cor 12: 12-16 )

3.) No gift is independent of the church. ( I Cor 12: 17-19 )

4.) The gifts operate together. ( I Cor 12: 25,26 )

5.) Our gifts are vehicles to transport the church to its final destination; the image of Christ.

Perfection of the Saints: As no particular member of the body can function on its own, so can’t any Christian rely on his gift but to minister unto others.

Work of the ministry:

Apostolic: To make follow-ups and build churches.

Prophetic: To speak the divine mind/will of unto the church.

Evangelistic: To break grounds and convert pagan nations.

Pastoral: To shepherd the flock/congregation.

Teaching: To rightly divide and interpret the divine Word of God.

Edification of the Church

As we continue to fellowship together, serve God with our gifts and exhort each other, we glorify God and help the church grow into maturity.


We are all vessels in the house of our Lord and we become profitable when we allow ourselves to be of good service unto our Maker and know that it is the Spirit who works in us to conform us to the image of Christ. Thus no one must belittle his gift or the office he is called into since His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Amen


1.) What are some of the services we deem less important?

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